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September 15, 2015
       September 15, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

  • Discussion regarding the Enforcement Order issued to Mr. Gerald Oberhelman at 296 Sterling Road, Princeton. Attending the meeting were Scott Goddard from Goddard Consulting, Doug Andrysick, Chris Knuth the Engineer and Mr. & Mrs. Oberhelman.   There are 2 Orders of Conditions still outstanding for this project 267-219 from 1998/1999 and 267-281 from 2003, no certificate of compliances were ever issued.    Scott Goddard spoke to the commission explaining the about affected areas that had been disturbed, a total of approximately 14,000 sq. ft. of BVW impacted.  Chris Knuth spoke to the commission regarding the septic pipe that had surfaced in the stream area.  He suggested that the pipe be pulled and insulated and reburied and anchor in place.  The area will be explored by digging to see how deep the pipe could be buried.  PCC would like a couple days notice of the work being done so members could attend.  A motion was made to go ahead and do the work as discussed per the Enforcement Order.  Doug Andrysick spoke to the commission regarding the topo elevations found during his survey.  From the findings he suggested that the replication area be moved to the area over the brook.  The plan to restore the filled area will be brought to the October meeting.   Mr. Oberhelman will keep the Conservation Commission up to date with the progress.
  • Tom Sullivan gave an update on the Fieldstone Farm Land.  Applications are almost complete for the DCR, Land Grant Application and APR.  Test monitoring wells for VOC came back clean, and survey work has been started, soil tests done and perc tests done.  Brian Keevan recused himself from this project.   A revised Grant Applicant may need to be done after another site walk of the property.  


  • A Notice of Intent received from Dominic Spano for 82 Redemption Rock Trail North to build a garage to replace an existing building in an area of existing lawn.  The public hearing was opened at 7:50 PM.  A site visit took place on September 12, 2015 with John Vieira, Sue Mitchell, Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson and
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September 15, 2015

Renee McDonough.   DEP file no. is 267-0382.   PCC discussed erosion controls for this site.  A motion was made to issue an Order of Conditions with Special Conditions as written.  The hearing was closed at 8:01 PM.  

  • A Notice of Intent received from Bruce Thurston for Map 4 Parcel 6 Mirick Road, Princeton for work associated with the construction of a single family home within the wetland buffer zone.  A site visit took place on September 12, 2015 with John Vieira, Sue Mitchell, Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson and Renee McDonough.  The hearing was opened at 8:02 PM.    The plan is to use an existing bar way in the stone wall for the driveway for the property and thus not disturb any of the existing stonewalls.  PCC discussed possible use of a Filtrex sock for the erosion controls on this site.  No DEP File No issued to date and no Board of Health Approval to date.  Linda Lackey a concerned neighbor discussed possible damage to her property with this site developed.  PCC discussed this matter with her and agreed to look at her property with the concerns in mind.  The applicant requested a continuance to the October meeting.
  • Larry Green and Larry Green Jr. attended the meeting with an update on the 140 Project; MEPA is in process, approved by DCR and a final sign off for Endangered Species and tree removal is underway.  Next step will be the pole relocations.
  • Larry Green and Larry Green Jr. attended the meeting with an update on the culvert replacements for Grow Lane. A NOI will be filed for the culvert crossings for the October meeting which was adjusted to October 13, 2015 to speed the process for the Highway Department.
  • PCC received a  informational request call from the Worcester Water Department in regards to Wayne Andrews Lovers Lane project.  There is an extended Order of Conditions on this project.
  • PCC members discussed revising the Special Order of Condition sheet and one for RDA’s if needed.

  • A Request for a Certificate of Compliance was received for Gordon N. Kay and Elaine S. Kay for property located at 62 Coal Kiln Road, Princeton. MA.  DEP File No. 267-53.  .  A site visit took place on September 12, 2015 with John Vieira, Sue Mitchell, Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson and Renee McDonough.   A motion was made to issue a Certificate of Compliance for this project.
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September 15, 2015


The August minutes were tabled to the October meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Marsha Dowdy